Debuting back in 2019, Chasing the Dream follows the brightest talents of single-seater racing on their journey to the top and what they hope is the path to Formula 1.
Focusing on the drivers of Formula 2, fans can see behind the curtains into the work that goes into being a racing driver on the cusp of F1, how they handle successes and fight back after failures.
With its fly-on-the-wall format, Chasing the Dream shadows the drivers, teams, support, families and the stories as they culminate in dreams coming true or sometimes fading out of sight.
READ MORE: Chasing the Dream Season 4 to release mid-season on F1TV and F1 YouTube channel
The evolving behind-the-scenes presentation helps the fans get a greater understanding of the heroes that battle on track, those supporting their fight and the teams that make it all happen. All the characters in the F2 paddock are put front and centre for fans to get to know more.
The series’ popularity and its unique approach that has received plaudits for the rawness of the episodes in previous seasons is giving Formula 2 a greater platform than ever before, growing it to a wider audience through Formula 1’s platforms.
With nine episodes making up Season 4, fans will have more content than any previous iteration to enjoy as the F2 2022 campaign reaches the final stages.
Season 4 premiers on Monday, August 15 on the official F1 YouTube* channel as well as F1TV.
*Chasing the Dream will not be available on YouTube to viewers in France and Germany. Viewers in Italy will have a 30-day window before content is available to view.